Welcome to my homepage
I'm John Kimionis, a graduate student at the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (GaTech), currently being a PhD candidate and research assistant, advised by Prof. Manos M. Tentzeris. Before GaTech, I received my Diploma of Engineering and Master of Science Degree at the School of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece, under the supervision of Prof. Aggelos Bletsas. I am involved in several research projects and real-world application challenges. This is my homepage where you can find information on my current work at ATHENA, GaTech, and my previous work at Telecom Lab, TUC, research interests, demos etc.
Updates are provided on my personal and collaborative work, plus some related links.
Areas of Interest
- Backscatter Radio and RFIDs
- Wireless Sensor Networks for environmental applications
- Software-Defined Radio for Backscatter and Wireless Sensor Networks
- Design & Analysis of telecommunication modules
- Low-cost hardware development for WSN transceivers
- Embedded programming, firmware and application development for WSN Nodes
- Microwave/RF Engineering
- Rapid prototyping & Inkjet printed electronics

John (Ioannis) Kimionis
Graduate Student - Research Assistant
ATHENA Research Group
School of ECE, GaTech
Atlanta, GA, USA
Email: ikimionis@gatech.edu